October 19, 2015

Broadening Our Horizons


  • Small Business Loans

As Fora Financial has become the new name of our company, it is time to look forward to the future of our company. Paramount/Fora Financial has seen explosive growth since the company’s inception 6 years ago, and as we grow and mature as a company, we have decided to take a look in the mirror and reflect on who we really are. After much thought, we realize that we have created ourselves into more than just a “merchant funding” company. We needed a name that reflected our vision, and we decided that the culture and the services we offer have turned us into a financial marketplace, a Financial Fora, hence the new name. As the business development department tours the country and meets potential partners of all shapes and sizes, we continually found ourselves in a situation where partners believed we offered a very one-dimensional service. We realized that as a company, we are much more than a “merchant funding” company, and that the advice, services, and opportunities we can offer brokers, partners, and merchants goes so much farther than what our name displayed. We have never been a company that was in the industry to solely provide financing, but since day one we have always taken the consultative approach to providing our services. We enjoy the conversations with our clients and benefit from providing working capital opportunities that help them grow. Our partners and the large financial institutions we meet respect that, which allows us to work with alternative financing companies to structure larger, more complex transactions for their customers. We have always been told to not judge a book by its cover, but in today’s world, that is sometimes all we have time to do. We did not want to fall under this category, preventing our best attributes from being displayed. Our new name will allow us to interact with the entire financial community, and not just limit us to working with people seeking “merchant funding." We are all very excited about our new name, and although our voices will have a hard time forgiving us, we’re even more excited about the new opportunities that will arise because of it.