May 18, 2018

How to Use a Business Loan to Grow Your Tutoring Business


  • Service Business Loans

  • Small Business Loans

Luckily, a business loan can allow you to maintain your operations, while pursuing growth. In this post, we’ll provide five suggestions for how you can utilize a business loan to expand your tutoring business and in turn earn more sales!

5 Ways to Use a Tutoring Business Loan

1. Hire More Tutors

If you want to serve more students, you’ll need to hire additional tutors. It’s that simple. Of course, you’ll need to have enough financing on-hand to pay your tutors competitively, which is why it can be beneficial to receive a business loan. You can also hire tutors to teach subjects that you currently don’t offer. For instance, if your tutoring service is primarily math-focused, you could hire tutors that specialize in English to help students that struggle with reading and writing.

2. Increase Marketing Efforts

To spread the word about your tutoring services, you’ll need to invest money in marketing campaigns. Otherwise, you can’t expect to acquire more business! With your business loan, you could pay for sponsored social media posts, new printed banners, or direct mail pieces. By expanding your reach, you can catch the attention of more people who are looking for nearby tutoring services.

3. Open a New Location

In addition to hiring more tutors, you can reach additional customers by opening another location for your tutoring business. This could be in a different geographic area that you aren’t currently serving, or could be a larger space than you have now. Having a larger space will allow you to have more room to provide tutoring services, and you could even rent out a portion of the space to nearby schools or other educational organizations.

4. Offer New Types of Tutoring Services

As we previously mentioned, you could use your loan to unveil new tutoring services. Perhaps you currently only offer group tutoring, and are interested in providing one-on-one sessions. Or, maybe you only tutor a certain age demographic, and want to expand to high school or college students. Whatever your new tutoring services are, you can use your loan to purchase materials, hire tutors, and ensure that you’re prepared to provide these services.

5. Invest in New Technologies

As a tutoring business owner, you should always be striving to improve the quality of your services. One way to do this is to invest in state-of-the-art technologies. You could purchase tablets, digital whiteboards, and online teaching software to benefit your students and enhance their learning experience. In addition, you could invest in technology-based payroll and billing software, to ensure that your business’s finances are responsibly managed. Having additional financing on-hand can make acquiring new technologies possible, so consider using your loan for these types of costs.

Growing Your Tutoring Business with a Loan

Now that you’ve learned about different ways to use a loan for your tutoring business, it’s time to decide the best way to grow your operations! Let us know in the comment section below how you plan to utilize your business loan.