April 18, 2022

4 Ideas for Celebrating Get to Know Your Customers Day


  • Small Business Customer Service

  • Small Business Ideas

Although this is something you should do consistently, this holiday is a great way to evaluate your business’s customer service. Of course, running a small business and juggling the tasks it brings can be an overwhelming job. Most likely, you’re always busy, making it difficult to interact with customers frequently. However, on Get to Know Your Customers Day, consider taking the time out of your schedule to show your loyal customers that you appreciate their business. It’s crucial to bond with customers because they’ll be more likely to continue shopping at your business if they feel valued.  In addition, by forming relationships, customers will be more likely to provide you with feedback. In turn, this can help you offer them better products or services. We’ll share our top tips for forming lasting customer relationships in this post. Although building relationships takes time, turning these customer engagement tips into long-term habits can make a big difference!

How to Celebrate Get to Know Your Customers Day:

1. Host a Reception for Repeat Customers 

A great way to meet with customers is to host an event for patrons who frequent your establishment! It doesn’t have to be too over the top; offering light refreshments will impress customers. If you’d like to interact with even more customers, you could make it an open event. In this case, you can reward consistent customers while also attracting new customers. You can send invitations in the mail or email the customers who visit your business the most. Or, if you plan on hosting an open house, post about it on your website or social media platforms. By hosting an event, you’ll have the opportunity to speak to customers face to face, hear their feedback, and strengthen your relationships. When a patron feels like they know you and other staff members, they’ll be more likely to give you business in the future!

2. Use Social Media to Connect with Your Customer Base 

Social media is a great way to communicate with customers. If a customer comments on your business’s Facebook profile, send them a message thanking them for their feedback. Or, if someone asks you a question on Twitter, be sure that someone gets back to them as soon as possible. Many small business owners don’t have time for frequent customer appreciation events or to make other elaborate plans. However, that’s why interacting with customers on social media is crucial. On Get to Know Your Customers Day, commit to turning this into a habit. Once you start talking to your customers online frequently, you’ll realize that it can help you foster client relationships. New call-to-action

3. Send Out a Customer Insight Survey 

Whether you send a survey via direct mail or email, you can determine your customers’ satisfaction level and determine how you can improve your business. With the survey, include a note thanking customers for their business. You could even offer them a coupon or giveaway for responding to the survey.  By expressing your gratitude for your customers, they’ll continue giving you their business and potentially even tell others about your company. Valuing your existing customers often translates into ways that you can attract new customers, too! Below, you’ll find a few customer survey questions you can ask to understand your customers better and gain insight:
  • What is your favorite product you’ve purchased from us?
  • What is one product or service you wish we offered?
  • What is one way we could improve our online checkout process?
  • Have you bought items from one of our competitors? If so, what was your reason for doing so?
  • How was your overall experience with our company?

4. Start a Customer Loyalty Program

As we’ve mentioned throughout this post, rewarding your loyal customers is a great way to connect with them. Customers love to feel appreciated, and if they do, they’ll be more likely to make future purchases. One way to reward consistent patrons is to create a loyalty program. For example, if you own an ice cream shop, you can give customers a free punch card. Every time they receive ten punches on their loyalty card, they’ll receive a free cone. Or, if you own a retail store, you can give customers a gift card once they spend a certain amount. By offering a loyalty program, you can connect with your consistent patrons and thank them for shopping!

Conclusion: Fostering Customer Relationships Should Be a Priority

If you still aren’t sure how to celebrate Get to Know Your Customers Day, brainstorm customer appreciation ideas with your staff. Every business is different, and your customers will have different needs, too. Taking time to acknowledge your customers on Get to Know You Customers Day will solidify a relationship with them and keep them coming back to your business! Do you have any other ideas for getting to know your customers and improving the customer experience? Please share your customer engagement suggestions with us in the comment section below! Editor’s Note: This post was updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness in April 2022.