May 05, 2016

How to Be a Successful Mother and Small Business Owner


  • Small Business Employees

  • Small Business Tips

If you’re a mom, chances are you’re accustomed to balancing a variety of roles. Being a professional chauffeur, maid, cook and therapist are all skills you’ve acquired throughout motherhood. Add in the responsibility of running a small business, and you can basically do it all! Even if you’re used to balancing these day-to-day tasks, there are probably times when you feel overwhelmed. This Mother’s Day, give yourself a gift by trying these tips for working moms, so that you can ensure that you’re devoting time to your family and small business, and taking care of yourself! Write it all down Get a planner and religiously log all of your small business and family obligations. As a mom and entrepreneur, it is important that you don’t neglect either role. Choose a digital or physical planner; whichever you think you’ll consistently use.  Get into the habit of writing down tasks that seem easy to remember, like driving the kids to school, or opening your business’s store at 9 am. Writing things down will help you feel in control of your schedule, and eliminate the stress of forgetting your child’s school play or an important business meeting! Separate your roles In order to avoid allowing your job to overtake your personal life, or vice versa, make sure you choose specific times that are designated for just your small business, or just your children. This will help you find balance as a working mom, so that when you’re with your kids, you’ll be able to focus on being with them, but when you need to get work done you’ll be free of family distractions. Check-in without getting distracted While on the job, devote 20 minutes to call your kids to check on them. Of course, if an urgent matter arises, it is understandable that you’ll need to set work aside to tend to your children. Otherwise, try to handle family matters when you’re at home, and work matters when you’re at work. Similarly, when you’re at home, take 20 minutes to check work emails and review any necessary tasks. Don’t compare yourself to others It’s human nature to compare ourselves to others, but don’t let yourself go there! As a working mom, you’re expected to juggle running a successful small business, and taking care of your family. You may not be able to attend every soccer game or every business meeting, but as long as you’re doing your best, that is what matters. Take a break As much as you love your family and are passionate about your small business, sometimes you need to take a break from both. Taking time for yourself will allow you to be more attentive mother and productive business owner. One of the most important tips for working moms is to make sure you don’t get burnt out! If you find yourself getting over-worked, unplug, and take some time to relax. Your family and employees will thank you when you come back refreshed! If you follow these tips for working moms, you’ll be able to manage the responsibilities of being a mom and entrepreneur! These productivity and time management tips will help you ensure you’re able to succeed at both roles, but don’t worry about that just yet – make sure you have a great Mother’s Day this weekend!