September 19, 2016

How to Host an Event for Your Small Business


  • Small Business Marketing

If your customers feel like they know you, and have a personal relationship with your business, then they will be more likely to become consistent patrons. This is why hosting a customer appreciation event can be a smart move. You’ll be able to make sales, while getting to know your customer base. Business event planning may seem difficult – but we have five hosting tips to get you started!

1. Create an Inclusive Space

Don’t just invite your loyal customers, make sure that new visitors feel welcome too. Hosting an event will allow you to thank customers that have always frequented your establishment, while also bringing in new business.

2. Collaborate with Other Businesses

It’s always helpful to make friends in your community! By forming partnerships with fellow business owners, you both can earn additional revenue, and bounce ideas off of each other. If it makes sense, invite another local business to co-host an event with you. You’ll both benefit from the publicity, and can potentially gain business from each other’s customers. Another upside – you’ll be able to split the cost of hosting the event!

3. Promote Your Brand

Hosting an event will give you the opportunity to flaunt your brand, and educate attendees on your services. Take advantage of the setting by featuring your brand name or logo on décor items, food and freebies. Hopefully, customers will take pictures of these aspects, and post them on social media. In addition, any free items that customers receive will be a reminder in the future to check out your business.

4. Market the Event in Multiple Ways

Chances are, all of your current and potential customers won’t be frequenting the same platform. When promoting your event, post the details on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other social media sites your business uses. Don’t just stick to social! In addition to social media, consider posting flyers at your location or other areas in your community where announcements are accepted. You can also send out snail mail, so make sure to craft an eye-catching invitation. If you really want to get the word out, consider paying for a newspaper or radio advertisement.

5. Follow Up After the Event

After it’s all over, make sure you thank attendees for taking the time to come to your business’s event. In order to contact them, have attendees submit their business card or contact information as a drawing for a big prize. That way, you’ll be able to send out an email thanking them for attending, and even provide them with a special offer. Plus, you’ll have their information, and you can contact them about future events! Although it may seem daunting, planning a business event can be a great way to show your valued customers that you appreciate their business. Plus, it will also help you determine what is important to them. Their needs are what keep you in business, so by hosting an event where you can interact with your customers, you’ll likely be able to get a better idea of what you can improve, and what you’re doing well. We hope that these hosting tips inspire you, and that your event is a booming success!