October 09, 2018

10 Morning Habits Every Business Owner Should Try


  • Small Business Ideas

  • Small Business Tips

Although your morning routine should help you invest in your personal growth, it can also allow you to better your business. In fact, some studies suggest that the early morning hours are far more productive than the late afternoon. While developing a productive routine is easier said than done, the benefits of adjusting your daily schedule shouldn’t be overlooked. In this post, we’ll discuss 10 morning habits that can help you become a more effective business owner.

How to Create a Morning Routine that Will Benefit Your Business:

1. Get Up Before the Sun

It seems that Ben Franklin was really onto something when he penned the proverb, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” By getting up early, you’ll be able to accomplish more tasks before the workday has even formally begun. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs swear by this, such as Apple’s CEO Tim Cook, who claims that his day normally starts around 3:45 am.

2. Make Your Bed

After Admiral William H. McRaven’s “Make Your Bed” speech was delivered at the University of Texas, it immediately went viral. Apparently, the benefits of making your bed every day are much more than aesthetic. By making your bed, you can create an immediate sense of order that will help motivate you to tackle the rest of the day.

3. Meditate

Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years in different cultures worldwide. By taking as little as five to 10 minutes each day to focus on breathing, releasing stress, and centering yourself, you’ll be in a much better position to have a successful day. If you find that meditation is something you’re strongly interested in, consider learning transcendental meditation techniques. Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a popular method for relaxation that typically requires two 15-minute sessions per day in which you quietly clear your mind. The stress reduction, mindfulness, and self-development that can come from a Transcendental Meditation session can be especially beneficial to entrepreneurs, who typically have busy lives that they could use a quick break from.

4. Read Something

Taking the time to read a book, news article, or magazine can help get your brain moving and ready for the day. For example, as a business owner, you might benefit from reading a newspaper such as the Wall Street Journal, or an industry-specific publication that provides content that’s relevant to your business.

5. Exercise

Our bodies are made for frequent movement and the benefits of daily exercise are truly profound. Although it may seem daunting to wake up and head to the gym, you’ll likely feel energized once your workout has finished. Plus, you won’t have to worry about making time to go after work, giving you more time to spend with family or enjoy hobbies.

6. Make a Daily To-Do List

Do you worry about all the tasks that you need to tackle? Starting your day by writing a prioritized to-do list can help you stay organized and ensure that your most important tasks are completed first. When compiling your list, try to get as specific as possible. For example, instead of a broad statement like “working on marketing project,” make a note to “write advertising language” or “research best marketing tools.” By breaking down big projects into smaller categories, you’ll ensure that no details are forgotten.

7. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

From the moment you wake up, it has likely been at least eight hours since you’ve had anything to eat. Studies show that breaking your fast (“break-fast”) can help improve your mood, concentration, and your energy levels, while also reducing stress.

8. Spend a Few Minutes Outdoors

Due to the amount of time it takes to successfully run a business, you might neglect your natural need to spend time outdoors and away from your computer screen. This problem is particularly bad during the limited light of winter, where Seasonal Affective Disorder is exceptionally common. Exposure to the sun is an effective way to combat depression. If you’re crunched for time, consider doing your meditation or exercise outdoors, so that you can successfully accomplish two parts of your morning routine at once.

9. Answer All of Your Emails

Depending on your business’s industry, you probably have a few unopened emails every day when you walk into work. Taking a few moments to answer these emails at the beginning of your day can help you feel less stressed and distracted throughout the rest of the day. However, it’s also important to recognize that spending too much time responding to e-mails can often be counterproductive, so make sure you find a balance.

10. Limit Your Caffeine Intake

After reviewing the previous nine suggestions, you’re probably wondering how you’ll have the energy to get everything done. Caffeine is often people’s first choice for morning energy, but too much caffeine can have negative effects. While the first few weeks of being a “morning person” will certainly be difficult, developing habits promoting natural energy such as exercising, meditating, and eating a healthy breakfast will ultimately be a better choice.

Conclusion: Invest in Yourself (And Your Business) Each Morning

Building productive habits is a process that should focus on progress, not perfection. If you can gradually implement a few (or all) of the morning routines mentioned above, you’ll likely become a much happier and more productive business owner.