Organic Growth

  • Funding Amount: $750,000

  • Approval Amount: $1,400,000

  • Industry: Organic Food Grower

  • Use of Funds: Cash Liquidity

A rapidly expanding organic food grower and distributor in the Pacific Northwest faced significant financial challenges as their busy season approached. To support their vertical integration strategy and manage their receivables, the company needed immediate liquidity. This case study explores how Fora Financial provided a crucial funding solution that enabled the company to navigate this critical period and maintain its growth trajectory.


The company's vision was to strengthen its position as a leading organic food grower and distributor by enhancing operational efficiency through vertical integration. This strategy aimed to streamline their supply chain, reduce costs, and improve profit margins, thereby ensuring long-term sustainability and growth.


The organic food market in the Pacific Northwest was experiencing robust growth, with increasing demand for locally sourced, organic products. By implementing their vertical integration strategy, the company saw an opportunity to capitalize on this market trend, expand their market share, and better serve their customers with high-quality organic produce.


The company faced several pressing challenges:

  • Transition Delay: For the past three months, the company had been working to secure a new, larger bank facility, but the transition was still 10 weeks away from completion. They urgently needed liquidity to support their vertical integration strategy as their busy season had started earlier than anticipated.

  • Receivables Backlog: The early onset of the busy season led to a backlog of receivables, further straining their cash flow.

  • Limited Financing Options: With all assets encumbered and thin overall margins typical of the industry, the company had minimal financing options that could address their liquidity needs promptly.

  • Lender Requirements: The company needed a lender willing to be comfortable with their position being taken out by the new senior lender.

How Fora Financial Helped

Fora Financial stepped in with a rapid and flexible funding solution. Within just two business days, Fora Financial approved the company for $1.4 million, and the funds were disbursed one day later, providing $750,000 in immediate liquidity. Importantly.


  • Immediate Liquidity: The swift funding provided the necessary liquidity to support the company's vertical integration strategy and manage the backlog of receivables.

  • Uninterrupted Operations: The company could continue its operations without disruption during the critical busy season, maintaining supply chain efficiency and customer satisfaction.

  • Seamless Transition: The short-term funding supported a smooth transition to the new bank facility, ensuring long-term financial stability.


Fora Financial's timely and flexible funding solution was instrumental in supporting the organic food grower and distributor during a critical period. By providing $750,000 in immediate liquidity and ensuring a seamless transition to a new bank facility, Fora Financial enabled the company to continue its growth trajectory and successfully implement its vertical integration strategy. This case study highlights the importance of responsive and adaptable financial partnerships in driving business success and sustainability.

Why Fora Financial

The company chose Fora Financial for several key reasons:

  • Speed: Fora Financial's ability to approve and fund the transaction within three business days was crucial in addressing the company's immediate liquidity needs.

  • Flexibility: Fora Financial provided a tailored solution and ensured a seamless transition to the new senior lender.

  • Understanding of Business Needs: Fora Financial demonstrated a clear understanding of the company's industry-specific challenges and provided a solution that aligned with their strategic goals.

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